United Methodist Church

An Extension of God's Love

Mission Statement
Pastor's Message
of Salvation
A Message from the Pastor

I am the pastor at Beulah Church so let me introduce myself to you.

I was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania. I enjoy riding the rails to trails, deer hunting, cross country skiing, and reading.

I served a church as a student pastor in Sadieville, Kentucky while in seminary. After graduating from Asbury Seminary, I came to Western Pennsylvania and served churches of all sizes. I retired with 41 1/2 years of pastoral ministry. In answer to my prayers, God called me out of retirement and I was appointed as pastor of Beulah Church.

I have made a commitment to do my part in helping to fulfill Beulah's mission statement which reads:
"The Beulah United Methodist Church is made up of a diverse group of believers in Jesus Christ who gather together for worship and fellowship. Our mission is to grow spiritually everyday, while we serve God in our community. Our church is an extension of God's love as we reach out to save souls for Jesus Christ through our various ministries."

Everyone needs to make a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and know that when you die you will go to heaven because you have confessed your sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.

I invite you to come and worship with us, and become part of our family, as we celebrate our past, give thanks for the present, and envision the future God has for us!

Yours because of Christ,
Pastor Tom Brown